Company profile page
- Company profile (100 characters - In Korea, English)
- Video upload (in Korean/English caption)
- Link to website
- Company profile PDF file (in Korean English)
- Contact (in Korean, English)
Key technology & product information page
- Information (100 characters - In Korean English)
- 5 product images
- Product information PDF file (in Korean English)
※ Materials to be prepared in different languages(Translation to be provided by exhibitors)
Cautions (Cancelation Rule)
The host will be entitled to cancel a participation agreement at its disposal if an exhibitor refuses to provide or demonstrate all or part of its exhibition contents in an allocated booth or to observe the exhibition rules.
To cancel an online booth agreement, the exhibitor will submit a written cancelation request to the organizer within 10 days of application.
In principle, any exhibition participation agreement will not be canceled in any case after 10 days of application.